About Kelley Marie Wellness
"By working together to understand the science of nutrition and importance of holistic wellness, clients can significantly improve their health and be a role model for their family."
Kelley is a San Diego-based certified functional nutrition and health coach with over a decade of experience in community health and childhood obesity prevention. She is inspired by her functional nutrition and coaching training at Dr. Sears Wellness Institute and Mind Body Green, as well as her background in exercise physiology/public health, and the easy breezy culture in California. While growing up, she suffered from many gut-related health issues, which ignited her passion to heal herself and others from the inside out.
Kelley started this wellness practice to support busy moms and moms-to-be looking to increase their energy, heal their gut, lose weight, and improve their overall health to keep up with their growing families. She can often be found chasing after with her two little ones at the beach, working out with friends, or testing out a new gluten-free recipe.
Professional Certifications & Experience
Nutrition & Coaching
Functional Nutrition Certification, Mind Body Green
Biochemical Principles of Energy Metabolism, Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Pregnancy Nutrition, Be Well By Kelly
​Certified Health Coach, Dr. Sears Wellness Institute
Public Health & Corporate Wellness
Master of Public Health, Health Behavior, San Diego State University
UC San Diego Exemplary Staff Employee of the Year
San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative Director, University of California San Diego - School of Medicine
Live Well @ Work Program Director, University of California - School of Medicine
Fitness & Physical Activity
Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology & Exercise Physiology, Western Washington University
President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Community Leadership Award
Physical Activity Manager, University of California San Diego - School of Medicine